At this Thursday's free community gathering, we'll be talking about how to move from a job into having a business so that you can land on your feet - financially and otherwise. If that sounds of interest, here is information about that:
- Thursday, April 21, 6 - 8:30 pm, 95 Cumberland Road, Burlington, Vermont (email me for directions)
- Free
- If you need more information, please contact me at or 802-864-2978
- Feel free to bring:
- A friend or colleague who could use some support in their career or business right now
- An item for the local food shelf to donate
- If you have a business, make sure to bring information about your services or products. You'll have a chance to share information about what you do as part of the gathering. People have walked away with new clients and customers as a result!
- During this free gathering, we'll be talking about:
- My story about how I successfully transitioned from my work as a broker in financial services to career and business including all the practical steps I took to make my dreams a reality
- How to determine if the kind of business you want to start lines up with the type of work that would make you happy and successful
- How commitment to your personal growth is connected to a successful job-to-business transition and a thriving business
- How to connect with others as an introverted business owner so you can comfortably market your business
- And more
- Facebook and Meetup event links:
- Facebook:
- Meetup:
Upcoming gatherings (all at 6 pm):
- April 28: How To Create A Career You Love And Find A Job Or Business That Really Lights You Up
- May 5: How To Shine Your Light - No Matter What - So You Can Confidently Share Your Gifts With The World
If you missed last week's gathering about how to bring in a steady stream of new clients in your business, following is the link with that information in audio form as well as other helpful career- and business-related audios:
If you are:
- confused about your career path
- interested in starting your own business
- focused on your life purpose through your business but frustrated that you're not earning the income you'd like to earn OR 802-864-2978
The Burlington Body, Mind, Spirit Expo - One Heart / Conscious Living is coming up this spring:
- May 14, 2016, 10 am - 5 pm
- Hilton Hotel, Burlington, 60 Battery Street
- Come by and say hello at my booth - get a complimentary Grace Card and sign up for a complimentary Life Purpose Strategy Session! I'll also be speaking about how to create a thriving business, make the world a better place, and do the work you love
- Lots of great complimentary opportunities, vendors, and workshops
Copyright 2016 Cornelia Ward All rights reserved
Tags: Life purpose, start a business, leave your job, Vermont, career coach, business coach